Are you ready for Part 2 of 2022?

When you sat down on New Year's Day and made those resolutions did you think you would be where you are today or are you not quite were you wanted to be?

Did you know that only 9% of people who make resolutions actually follow through on them?

So if you are behind, you are not alone, most people have given up by this point but you don't need to be a quitter! You can still get stuff done in the remainder of 2022! 

How you ask?  With these tips….

~ Revisit what your original resolutions/goals were and consider if, 6 months later, these are still important to you. |f not, reassess and set new goals based on what you want to achieve in the remainder of 2022

~ Depending on your goal, take action TODAY, don’t delay and don’t make this so big and scary you won’t do it! If your goal is to lose weight take a small action such as finding your nearest weight loss support group or put together a healthy meal plan. If your goal was to declutter and organise, write a list of what needs to be done or where to start

~ Look at your goal for 2022 and work backwards, break this goal down into monthly, weekly and even daily steps to make this much more manageable. To organise your whole home, write a list of which room to tackle each month, then break this down into what needs to happen weekly and then daily. You will be surprised how taking even one small action a day will quickly build up to help the overall goal

~ Be realistic! We often set goals in the New Year without actually considering how much work and time is involved so don’t commit to anything that is going to ultimately cause you stress if you can’t keep up with the level of time or work involved. Its better to have slow and consistent success than start big and then quit

~ Acknowledge when you have a bad day or if something doesn’t go the way you planned. This is life and it often doesn’t go as planned so instead of stressing about what went wrong, learn from it and move on.

~ Give yourself rewards! Reward yourself for hitting those weekly and monthly goals and then plan something really special for when you achieve that big goal! Having something to look forward to can really spur you on.

~ If rewards are not your thing then a reminder of WHY you are doing what you are doing can work just as well. If you want to lose weight write down the reasons why or put a picture somewhere of you that you don’t like as a motivator! Same for decluttering! Take a before picture and write down all the reasons why you want to get organised.

~ To get faster results hire a professional! To lose weight faster hire a personal trainer or nutritionist. To get decluttered and organised faster hire a professional organiser! To ask for help is not admitting defeat, it is showing your strength and commitment to reach that goal!

~ Visualisation is a powerful tool when practiced regularly. Set yourself a couple of minutes per day to sit quietly and visualise yourself achieving that big goal. Believe in yourself and when you believe it you will do it!

~ Remember that if you want something badly enough, the hard work will be worth it. You might not see the results straight away but give it a few weeks and you will notice, a few more and others will too!

Follow these tips and you won’t be one of the 91% who don’t follow through on their resolutions….do the work now so you are where you want to be in the future 💜


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