Spring/summer organising - here are our top tips for you!

Spring is here! Time for some spring cleaning and organising.

It's easy to get up in the morning and hit the ground running, but by the time you get home, it can be hard to keep things tidy. Instead of letting dirty dishes pile up or clothes pile up or receipts pile up or anything else pile up, take some time to make your space feel more like a home than a hoarder's paradise.

Now, we're not saying that you have to go all Marie Kondo on everything, but if you just have one spot in your house that you need help decluttering, we've got you covered with these tips:

1. Declutter - you honestly cannot start to organise your home unless you make decisions on which items really need to stay. Think about whether you love it, need it and actually use it. If you answer ‘no’ to any of these 3 questions let the item go.

2. Once you have had a good sot out, consider doing a deep clean. Move furniture and get to those areas that don’t usually see the light of day. If cleaning is not your thing you can hire cleaning companies to come and do a one off spring clean! Think how wonderful your home would feel knowing its all been deeply cleaned!

3. Put things where they belong; everything has its place, and once you figure out where that place is and put things there, your life will feel so much calmer. If you are trying to find a place for an item think about where you use it. For example if its a kitchen utensil. where would be the best place to store this so that you can reach it easily when you need to use it.

4. Organise by category. That way you will always know where the batteries or lightbulbs are. If you collect beautifully scented candles but only have a few in use at a time then store the others all together in one place so you can get to them easily when you need them.

5. Take stock of all the stuff you don't use every day and consider giving it to someone who will actually use it; don't just give it away for free—offer an incentive like baked goods in exchange for taking something off your hands, like that big box of unused crayons or a collection of old VHS tapes or DVDs.

6. If a task is too big or overwhelming for you to handle on your own, enlist the help of someone else, whether a friend or family member or a professional like us!

Finally, this may seem strange to hear, but enjoy the process! You are making a positive change for YOU and your home and that is definitely something to be celebrated! So instead of thinking of organising as a chore, think of it as a brand new opportunity and a fresh start for spring.


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